Ediţia a treia a evenimentului Divan Film Festival (deja tradiţionala întîlnire anuală a „degustătorilor“ de artă cinematografică şi artă culinară), cu al său reconfirmat specific balcanic, s-a desfăşurat tot pe malul Dunării, în Portul Cultural Cetate din judeţul Dolj, în perioada 19-26 august 2012.
detalii pe site:
The 3rd edition of the Balkan film and culinary art lovers’ ‘feast’-ival took place this summer, in the period between August 19 – 26, at Culture Port Cetate, on the Romanian shore of the river Danube, with a refreshed concept and under a new name: the Divan Film Festival.
details on the site:
detalii pe site:
The 3rd edition of the Balkan film and culinary art lovers’ ‘feast’-ival took place this summer, in the period between August 19 – 26, at Culture Port Cetate, on the Romanian shore of the river Danube, with a refreshed concept and under a new name: the Divan Film Festival.
details on the site:
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