17 aug. 2010


”Daţi-mi mie pe mînă un ziar de provincie
şi-o baracă de scînduri cu o firmă soioasă
şi-n trei zile oraşele vor duhni a vanilie
şi a porturi deschise”
“Let me just have the run of some small-town gazette
in a run-down wooden shed with a dingy old sign
and within three days these here towns are going to reek of vanilla
and of wide-open harbours” (transl. Florin Bican)
        Mircea Dinescu, ‘Ei?!’ (Exil pe-o boaba de piper/ Exile on a Peppercorn, 1983)

la inceput a fost o 'baraca de scanduri':
Casa capitaniei portului (vechea vama), redescoperita de Mircea Dinescu in toamna lui '96/

in the beginning there was only 'a rundown wooden shed':
The old customs house of Cetate Port, rediscovered by Mircea Dinescu in the autumn of 1996

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