Translators in the Making, a project coordinated by Florin Bican and initiated by the Romanian Culture Institute in 2006 as part of the larger ‘Translation & Publication Support Programme’ had its first ‘taste’ of Cetate. It then returned twice more in 2009.
The project consists of 3-month long scholarships given to students of the Romanian language from all over the world who have a desire to become literary translators between their native languages and Romanian. In 2008 there were invited students from Portugal, the Czech Republic, Poland, the United States, Italy, and Croatia.

Under his supervision, the recruits are exposed to Romanian literature with a view to translating it into their respective languages and being sent home to subject publishers to ‘textual harassment’ until they see their translations in print.
Presa vremii:
Burse pentru tineri traducatori straini, articol si un interviu cu Florin Bican, de Ania Radu, Revista 22
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